Remembering Bobbe

In loving memory of Bobbe Rigler

A cherished volunteer whose dedication to service and boundless love touched countless lives


Alongside her beloved husband Bob, Bobbe exemplified a remarkable partnership, both in marriage and in their shared commitment to making a difference. For five decades, Bobbe and Bob journeyed through life hand in hand, their love only growing stronger with each passing year. Despite the passage of time, their devotion remained unwavering, a beacon of enduring love and companionship.


Their journey with volunteering at Vivalon was a testament to their shared passion for helping others. Bobbe’s cheerful presence brightened the Jackson Café every Wednesday, serving not only nourishing meals but also sprinkling laughter and joy among diners. Meanwhile, Bob found fulfillment as a CarePool driver and Brown Bag Pantry volunteer, connecting with people on their journeys and cherishing the stories they shared.


Their commitment to service extended far beyond their volunteer roles, encompassing a shared love for exploration and travel. From traversing the globe with one-way tickets to dreaming of ancient cultures yet to be discovered, Bobbe and Bob’s adventures were a reflection of their adventurous spirits and deep connection.


At the heart of their enduring partnership was a simple yet profound philosophy: to always end the day with a laugh. Their home wasn’t just a place; it was wherever they were together, their hearts forever intertwined in a bond strengthened by love, laughter, and shared experiences.


Vivalon is immensely grateful for volunteers like Bobbe and Bob Rigler, whose journey with the organization began as a serendipitous discovery through Dominican’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. For years, their unwavering dedication and infectious enthusiasm enriched the lives of those they served, leaving a lasting legacy of compassion and community.


In the memories we hold dear and the lives they touched, Bobbe Rigler’s spirit lives on, a shining example of love, compassion, and service. As we honor her legacy, may we be inspired to follow in her footsteps, spreading kindness and joy wherever we go. Any donations received in Bobbe’s memory will contribute to helping Vivalon offer healthy aging programs and services for older adults in Marin.


Vivalon Headquarters

930 Tamalpais Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901

415-456-9062 x191



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