Making an Impact During Economic Downturns

An estimated 1 in 3 older adults in Marin struggle to put food on the table. Vivalon's nutrition services help keep our neighbors safe, healthy, and independent.

Making an Impact During Economic Downturns

Nonprofits are vital to the sustainability of communities during economic downturns, and many of Vivalon’s programs serve as a lifeline to our neighbors in need. At the same time, donors seek reliable resources that make an impact, as part of meeting their philanthropic goals. Below are some resources to help you provide critical support for older adults and people with disabilities, especially in the midst of rising costs for the most basic needs.


A recent article from The Northern Trust Institute highlighted the immense value in the giving of Time, Talent, and Treasure. Sometimes, the gifts with the greatest impact come from these three resources. Every day, Vivalon’s volunteers deliver meals, provide rides, and teach classes to ensure older adults in Marin are cared for. Lending a hand as a volunteer (time) and sharing expertise (talent) are valuable contributions that greatly improve the lives of our neighbors.


Of course, financial contributions from the community are needed to keep the doors of every nonprofit open, including Vivalon, and those contributions can come in many different forms. Gifts of stock, securities, and other assets are viable, even beneficial, alternatives when giving cash presents a challenge. If you are 70 ½ or older, donating from your Roth IRA by making a Qualified Charitable Distribution is another way to make a valuable contribution to Vivalon and off-set tax costs.


Another way our donors are choosing to make an impact is by making a gift as part of their estate planning. These kinds of gifts have no cost during your lifetime and make a powerful commitment to serving older adults well into the future. Vivalon has partnered with FreeWill to help you create or update your will easily and for free in 20 minutes, and you can include Vivalon as a beneficiary at the same time. You can also use their IRA tool to make a gift or calculate your QCD. Learn more about FreeWill here.


Click here to learn more about charitable giving during economic downturns.

Click here for strategies to offset tax costs.



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