December 2022 Volunteer Milestone – Lotus Ning

December 2022 Volunteer Milestone- Lotus Ning
Volunteer Milestone – Lotus Ning


Lotus Ning joined Vivalon in 2014, and since then, she has volunteered over 1,300 hours between the Brown Bag Pantry and the Jackson Café. Before volunteering, she was a support staff member for 28 years for the Federal Police. She enjoyed her work, and the attention to detail it required. She feels joy in helping the clients, and recognizing her regulars, and interacting with her fellow volunteers.


More tidbits about Lotus:

Who is your hero?

My father and mother, they made me the person I am.

What brought you to Vivalon?

I retired and I wanted to be active.

What is your favorite movie as a child?

Buffalo Bill, Howdy Duty, and Mama.

What is your favorite family vacation?

When we drove to Florida from Ohio. We made a few stops along the way and saw the Ringling Brothers Circus.

What makes you unique?

People say I am funny and have a nice smile.

What are some random fun facts about you?

I have been pumping iron since 1982, four days a week. I like to stay in shape.

What is something you want to learn or wish you were better at?

Not be so much of a perfectionist.

What is your favorite place on earth?

Australia and New Zealand were both very nice I enjoyed the food and culture.

Who are the special people in your life?

My two brothers, cousins, aunts, and uncles.

Who is your favorite celebrity?

Oliva Newton-John, the Bee Gees and Elvis Presley



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