October 2022 Volunteer Spotlight – Bill Lawler

October 2022 Volunteer Spotlight - Bill Lawler from Meals on Wheels
Volunteer Spotlight – Bill Lawler


For the month of October, we would like to spotlight Bill Lawler, a Meals on Wheels volunteer. Bill joined Vivalon in 2016 – 6 years ago! He mentioned he can’t believe how fast time has gone by. During this time, he has volunteered over 720 hours. Bill enjoys connecting with the clients, chatting with them each week and hearing about what is new with them. Bill loves knowing that he is doing something that is helping folks who are in need. During the COVID-19 shelter in place order, Meals on Wheels had to change the delivery schedule from three times per week to once a week. Bill was delivering up to 70 meals per week—he has always been so dedicated to our Meals on Wheels participants. Bill has a special relationship with all of his clients and they truly love him as well! “I am so honored to work with Bill and so happy that he is a part of our team.” – Erika Vaughn, Meals on Wheels Manager. Vivalon would like to thank Bill for his hard work and dedication. 


Here is more about Bill:

Who is your hero?

My parents worked hard to provide my brothers and me the best upbringing they could.

What brought you to Vivalon?

I originally started with CarePool giving rides to seniors and those who couldn’t get out; I heard about a Meals and Wheels opening and asked if I could help.

What did you do prior to volunteering/working at Vivalon?

I’m still doing it… I’m VP of Alliances Marketing for a large technology company.

What’s your favorite movie as a child?

As a kid probably March of the Wooden Soldiers (Laurel & Hardy); as an adult, The Godfather.

What is your favorite family vacation?

I enjoy going back to New York (where I’m originally from) and visiting with my brother’s family… especially my 11-year-old niece and 8-year-old nephew… anything we do together is my favorite.

What would you change about yourself if you could?

I would be more patient. I would also give my dogs less human food.

What makes you unique?

I can see the humor in most situations; if something goes sideways, I’m pretty quick to see what I need to do to fix it/get things back on track. I believe in helping the underdog.

What are some random fun facts about you?

I’ve ridden my motorcycle through the 11 western states, I played in a band with Richie Sambora of Bon Jovi, I do pretty good Boz Scaggs, James Taylor, Johnny Mathis and Bullwinkle impressions.

What’s something you want to learn or wish you were better at?

Learn Spanish, play an instrument (the Richie Sambora/band thing didn’t go well), practice more empathy towards others.    

What’s your favorite place on Earth?

I think where I live in Mill Valley is pretty special and I’m very fortunate to live there.

Who are the special people in your life?  

My two brothers, sister-in-law, niece, nephew … a few close friends… and I’m going to make a special category for my dogs.

Who is your favorite celebrity?

Instead how about a celebrity I respect?… the late Paul Newman created a food company and a foundation where 100% of the profits ($600M to date) have gone to nourish and transform the lives of children who face adversity.



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