Herb’s Story
The first time I started using Vivalon’s Meals on Wheels program was over eleven years ago because my wife, Maggie, had dementia. As her disease progressed, preparing meals was too difficult, so I signed us up for the program. When it worked so well, I was relieved. So much of our stress was lifted.
Maggie passed away 11 years ago. I still think about the care we received from Vivalon. Now, I am using Meals on Wheels again. You see, I am on hospice because I developed congestive heart failure recently. The doctors told my step-daughter that I would not leave the hospital alive.
Against the odds, I am home now. I just turned 99 years old and I’m hoping that I reach 100. Some days, I feel that this is possible, but my health is challenging, and I need a lot of help.
Thankfully, I can stay at home. That’s a comfort for me.
In Marin, I am part of a community, and that’s the reason I am able to stay in my home. My support system is an array of people. I have friends who check in on me, and volunteers from Vivalon’s Meals on Wheels visit me every week. They are a very important part of my community.
During my career as a social worker, I worked with many nonprofit agencies. And I can tell you that Vivalon, especially its Meals on Wheels program, is one of the finest social service agencies that I have ever encountered.
When you donate to Vivalon, you see it in action the next day. You see drivers taking people where they need to go and volunteers delivering meals, and they truly care about me and others like me.