Who We Serve
Who We Serve
For 70 years, Vivalon has been the go-to transportation and nutrition resource for Marin’s older adults and their families. It’s been our distinct honor to serve as a trusted friend in our community, serving as the catalyst for seniors to age well by creating engagement and connectedness at every touch point.
Formerly known as Whistlestop, Vivalon expanded its scope over the years to serve the needs of vulnerable residents of Marin County, regardless of their age. In addition to transportation and nutrition, our programs and services include: Lifelong Learning, Healthy Aging services, classes, activities and advice.
Marin is the fastest aging county in the state of California. It’s estimated that by 2030, one in three individuals in Marin County will be 60 or older. The high cost of housing in Marin County has forced many children of older adults to move away, leaving their parents without a strong family support network and important resources. At Vivalon, we believe that Marin’s older adults deserve the dignity of being able to remain in Marin County and have equitable access to whatever resources, connections and services they need in order to age with dignity, independence and grace.
Vivalon helps meet the transportation, nutrition, and social connection needs of older adults and vulnerable residents of Marin County.

Last year, we served 15,431individuals throughout our community.

Nourish by Vivalon
Vivalon Café
Brown Bag Pantry

Medical Appointment Rides
CarePool Volunteer Driver Rides

Healthy Aging and Financial Planning Workshops
Technology, Fitness, Arts, and Language Classes

Healthy Aging Center Information Line
Transportation Call Center
Resource Office

Social Opportunities and Wellness Checks
Emergency Supply Deliveries
Volunteer Programs

More than 300 volunteers provided 14,883 hours of service to deliver rides, meals, classes, care, and advice to our neighbors in need.