Falls Prevention Week
September 23-27
Join us all week long to learn essential tips, exercises, and techniques to stay safe and prevent falls.
Falls Prevention Week
September 23-27
Join us all week long to learn essential tips, exercises, and techniques to stay safe and prevent falls.

What is it?
Each year, more than a quarter of Americans aged 65 and older experience a fall.
Falls Prevention Awareness Week, observed during the first week of fall, is a national health campaign focused on raising awareness and promoting injury prevention among older adults.
Join us from September 23-27 at the Healthy Aging Campus for special Falls Prevention Week events. You’re also invited to attend any of our regular Health & Wellness classes, where we’ll share valuable tips to help reduce the risk of falls throughout the week.
Falls Free Celebration with S&S Jazz Band
In addition to special classes and activities, be sure to join us on Friday, September 27 at 2:00pm, for a fun and lively conclusion to Falls Prevention Week! We’re thrilled to feature a performance by a fantastic live jazz band, bringing smooth tunes and a vibrant atmosphere to the event.
Bring your friends and family and don’t miss this chance to wrap up the week in style!

Falls Prevention Week Schedule
Visit our Healthy Aging Campus to join FREE classes and activities all week long: 999 Third Street, San Rafael
Drop-ins welcome. No registration is required for the offerings below.
MONDAY | September 23
Special Guest: Guide Dogs for the Blind | 10:00am -12:00pm | Auditorium
Explore resources, learn about their services, and meet some of the incredible guide dogs that help individuals who are blind or visually impaired navigate the world.
TUESDAY | September 24
8-Week Tai Chi Series Begins | 10:00am -11:00am | Auditorium
Experience remarkable benefits with this ancient martial art—improved balance, flexibility, and heart health.
Falls Prevention Assessments, Gait & Balance Testing | 10:00am -12:00pm | Activity Lounge
Join Kristen “Krissy” Waller, PT, DPT, a Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Neurologic Physical Therapy, to learn how you can reduce your risk of falls, improve mobility, identify potential issues, and gain strategies that enhance stability and confidence in daily movements.
THURSDAY | September 26
QiGong Demonstration | 11:00am – 12:00pm | Auditorium
Join this gentle practice that enhances balance, flexibility, and relaxation. Our experienced instructor, Leela will guide you through simple seated movements and breathing techniques to boost your well-being.
Presentation: Understanding Hearing Loss | 1:30pm – 2:30pm | Auditorium
Join Sara Oser, President of the Hearing Loss Association of America, for an informative and interactive session on hearing loss.
FRIDAY | September 27
Yoga to the Rescue | 1:00pm – 2:00pm | Auditorium
This special yoga class is designed for all levels of ability and will focus on improving balance, posture, and gait to help reduce the risk of falls.
Falls Free Celebration with S&S Jazz Band! | 2:00pm – 4:00pm | Auditorium
Celebrate your health and safety with an afternoon of community, joy, and great music played by S&S Jazz Band. Bring your friends and family, enjoy the music, and celebrate all we’ve learned together about staying safe and preventing falls.
More Offerings

Health & Wellness
Weekly on Mondays, 1:30 – 2:30pm
This class focuses on classical ballet movement and exercises for strength, balance, mobility and coordination, emotional well-being and creative expression. This class aims to help older adults develop stronger bodies, greater confidence and independence, and also a sense of both physical and emotional balance. No prior experience is necessary.
Registration is not required.
Location: In person at Vivalon Healthy Aging Campus: 999 Third Street, San Rafael
Weekly on Wednesdays, 1:00 – 2:00pm
This class combines yoga with the benefits of weight training. The added weight builds muscle, bone density and core stability. Jane Rivera has received her 500-hour Yoga Certification from Sherri Baptiste. Join Jane for an hour of breath-based movement. Bring attention to posture and improve balance. This class is open to all levels.
Registration not required.
Location: Remote and In person at Vivalon Healthy Aging Campus: 999 Third Street, San Rafael
- Join on Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83589913026?pwd=OVlmM3RNM1FDQkhuc2ttNjNsTER6Zz09
- Meeting ID: 835 8991 3026
- Passcode: 938621
Weekly on Tuesdays, 11:00am – 12:00pm
Renowned Yoga expert Rayner Needleman’s class is light-hearted and fun while focusing on the mind, body and spirit. No two classes are the same! Rayner infuses each session with a creative combination of chair dancing, yoga flow routines and spiritual readings to put you in a positive state of mind, no matter what’s happening with the outside world. You will practice gentle movements, stretching, strengthening, breathing and relaxation exercises. All you need is a chair to participate.
Registration not required.
Location: Remote only
- https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86285172774?pwd=WklhYTU0K0YvVzdlUGtFRHpxdndMQT09
- Meeting ID: 862 8517 2774
- Passcode: 864432
Weekly on Tuesdays, 11:00am – 12:00pm
Yes, you can still get a workout while sitting down! Join Elizabeth for gentle chair exercises to improve your strength, flexibility, and range of motion. Also includes some optional standing exercises.
Registration not required.
Join on Zoom:
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85423057347?pwd=Q3dRNlF0SUd0Q2VCb0xrbGdrREVRdz09
- Meeting ID: 854 2305 7347
- Passcode: fun
Weekly on Wednesdays, 9:00 – 10:00am
Get out your Yoga mat and join class every Wednesday morning at 9:00am from the comfort of your home via Zoom. This class is offered to all levels, even if it is your first class. We all modify to accommodate what is going on in our bodies. Our students range in age from 60 to 90+. We often use light handheld weights in class to give a boost of resistance to our training. This is your choice. My priorities in class are; building core strength, balance work, stretching, and inner reflection.
Registration not required.
Location: Remote Only
Join on Zoom:
- https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81663807866?pwd=OUpLSzNRQVRsY2JhZWppYzJqN1Zrdz09
- Meeting ID: 816 6380 7866
- Passcode: 889316
Weekly Fridays, 3:00 – 4:00pm
Improve balance, strengthen your core, center your mind, and stretch to relax those sore muscles.
Registration not required.
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86237297698?pwd=RzFlWFN4UmNQWFp3UmZ6YjVkQ3MzUT09
- Meeting ID: 862 3729 7698
- Passcode: 859875
Weekly Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 10:00 – 10:45am
Join this fun fitness class designed for older adults with lively music! Come ready to sweat and leave feeling stronger. The class focuses on all elements of fitness: cardiovascular, muscular conditioning, flexibility, and balance.
Registration not required.
Location: Remote and in person at Vivalon Healthy Aging Campus: 999 Third Street, San Rafael
Join on Zoom:
- https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81957774507?pwd=OGdnZzBUSTUyMHo0dXlWNFZoUUZlQT09
- ID: 819 5777 4507
- Password: 593802
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