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As you know, in the last year our daily schedules and routes have had more variation based on the increasing types of contracts we serve. We also have variety of schedule preferences among our drivers – some want part-time, some want full-time. There are also individual preferences about meal periods. Drivers are generally scheduled for a 30 or 60 minute meal period before the end of the fifth hour of work. Occasionally, a driver will have a shift of 10-12 hours in length which provides for an additional meal period before the end of the tenth hour of work. If your total shift is 6 hours or less, you have the option of waiving your meal period. If your total shift is 12 hours or less, you have the option of waiving your second meal period. Please complete the section below to confirm your meal period preferences:
First Meal Period Waiver I understand that I may waive my first meal period by mutual written agreement between myself and the organization if I do not work more than 6 hours in a day.
Second Meal Period Waiver I understand that I may waive my second meal period by mutual written agreement between myself and the organization if I do not work more than 12 hours in a day, and I have taken my first meal period.
If you have any questions about this, please contact your Supervisor or the Human Resources department. I enter into this agreement freely and voluntarily. I understand that this agreement can be revoked in writing by either me or my employer at any time.