Vivalon’s New Healthy Aging Campus – A Modern Hub Serving Marin’s Older Adults and Their Families
The Need is Real, and It's Now
Marin is rapidly aging faster than any other county in the Bay Area. By 2030, 1 in 3 individuals here will be 60 or older, with the fastest-growing segment being people over 85. Today, 17,000 residents over 60 lack the income to meet their basic needs, and 7,000 older adults urgently require affordable housing.
These aren’t just numbers, they’re our neighbors, our friends, our family. It’s time to address this growing crisis with a community-driven solution. Vivalon’s Healthy Aging Campus will fulfill the three most critical needs of our older adults: Connection, Affordable Homes, and Healthy Aging.
Aging: Our Shared Responsibility
Vivalon understands that aging is a community responsibility. The rising housing costs in Marin County have pushed many to move away, often leaving their older family members without their crucial support. Since 1954, Vivalon has stood as a beacon of hope, offering invaluable support services to Marin County’s older adults. With the Healthy Aging Campus, we aim to do even more.
Join Our Mission
Help us honor the contributions of the teachers, the civil servants, the business owners, and employees who have enriched Marin County over the years. Your pledge can help us build the Healthy Aging Campus — a beacon of hope and a testament to our community’s resilience and care.
The Building is Underway!
Watch a time-lapsed video of the construction.
July 2022 to May 2023
Help Build the Healthy Aging Campus
We are incredibly close to making this future a reality. But we need your help to cross the finish line. Every donation brings us one step closer to creating a world where every individual in Marin County can age with dignity, care, and joy. Let’s come together to raise the remaining $4 million needed to complete the construction of the Healthy Aging Campus.
See Vivalon's Vision
Watch this short film that captures Vivalon’s vision for the Healthy Aging Campus as a model for others to replicate so that, together, we can re-engineer the system to give us all what we want and need as we age.
Opening Early 2024!
Vivalon’s new Healthy Aging Campus will be a central hub for all of Marin’s older adults and their families – a place to connect, learn, share a meal, attend classes and activities, and experience meaningful engagement with others. Along with 66 units of desperately needed affordable housing for older adults, the campus will encompass wrap-around healthcare services, accessible transportation and a myriad of programs designed to improve human connectedness.
Join us in Creating This Innovative Landmark
Together, we can say thank you to the teachers, the civil servants, the business owners and employees who have lived in and served Marin County for so many years. Help us build the Healthy Aging Campus by pledging your support.
Campaign Donors
For more information about giving to the Healthy Aging Campus Campaign, contact Yvonne Roberts, Chief Donor Relations Officer: (415) 295-0578, [email protected].